Recent phishing attempts

A number of recent phishing attempts have targeted the S&T community. One phish targeted an email account and successfully imitated the account’s information to send subsequent phishing attempts. The phishing emails were not sent by the account user. IT Security wants to remind the S&T community to directly report any suspected phishing attempts and…

Virtual desktop servers update tonight

The information technology team will update the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) servers 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 8. During the upgrade, you will not be able to connect to the VDI servers and no virtual machine connections will be supplied….

IT Service Impacts September 3

As part of the planned power outage for campus tomorrow, Saturday, September 3, critical IT services such as phone, network, wifi, and internet services will be impacted and may be out for the duration of the entire outage. As power is restored across campus, IT staff will be monitoring these services to ensure that all critical…

Radius Service Certificate Updated

IT has replaced the Radius Server certificates today, 8/19/2022, effective at 4:15pm. The Radius Servers authenticate users to use the wireless network on campus. Mobile devices will prompt users to accept the new certificates after the update, and laptops should automatically accept the new certificates….

Windows updates planned for this weekend

Windows updates will occur this weekend from 2 – 6 a.m. Saturday, August 13. Please leave your computer connected to the S&T network and powered on over the weekend.  Save and close any applications running because your computer will reboot during the update….

IT Individual Appointments Available

On Monday, 8/15, through Wednesday, 8/17, the S&T IT Help Desk will be providing one-on-one assistance to faculty and staff returning to campus for the Fall semester. You will need to register for the day that best fits your schedule to ensure enough time to help you – Rejoin your computer to the campus network…

IT Classroom Technology Tours

S&T IT is providing classroom technology tours to faculty next week, Monday, August 15, through Friday, August 19. The tours are available to any faculty who requests a visit with a Learning Environments Support (LES) team member. The tours will include an opportunity to review – Classroom podium set-up How to calibrate the Wacom How…

Changes to Google Groups

On Thursday, 08/04, the email domain for Google Groups will change from to Sending emails to Google Groups with the domain (e.g. will cause a delivery failure. You must use the new domain (e.g for your Google Group emails to ensure the messages are received by your group members. To…